What is Menopause Belly
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What is Menopause Belly and How Do You Treat it?

As women age, they will experience menopause and the symptoms that come along with it. Menopause is a natural biological process that signifies the endpoint of a woman's fertility and when a woman will no longer go through menstruation. Menopause typically occurs one year after a woman's final cycle. Women can experience this as early as age 30 and as late as age 60. However, women most commonly experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 50.

Symptoms caused by menopause include hot flashes and night sweats, change in sleep patterns, loss of sexual drive and vaginal dryness, change in mood, anxiety, and depression, and problems with concentration and memory. Menopause may also cause a hormone deficiency. Another major symptom caused by menopause is weight gain, commonly known as "menopause belly."

Menopause belly occurs during both pre-menopause and menopause when women gain weight and excess fat especially deep inside the belly. This weight can be stubborn and hard to lose even with a healthy diet and exercise. This type of weight gain is caused by a loss of estrogen as well as an increase in stress caused by irregular cortisol levels. The loss of estrogen redistributes the body's fat, moving it from other areas of the body and deep into your belly while irregular cortisol levels can cause added stress, also contributing to weight gain. Together, this results in unwanted, unattractive, stubborn belly fat known as menopause belly.

While menopause belly may be annoying and look unpleasant, it is also unhealthy. Getting rid of this unwanted belly fat can help you become healthier by giving you more energy, helping you get back into shape, and just by allowing you to look and feel younger. You can treat menopause belly naturally by drinking lemon water or apple cider vinegar, mixing in weight training to your exercise routine, and by switching up your diet by removing sugar. However, in some cases, you may not be able to lose weight naturally. In that case, you can look into hormone replacement therapy. Often times the excess weight gain is caused by a hormonal imbalance or loss of estrogen. With HRT you can get your hormones back on track and finally lose that unwanted belly fat. HRT can also help with other symptoms caused by menopause.

At LongevityMed, we offer hormone replacement therapy for women to help with menopause and hormone deficiency. This treatment can help you feel better by eliminating hot flashes and night sweats, it can increase your sexual health and desire, you will once again be able to build lean muscle, improve your metabolism, get a better night’s sleep, and enhance your energy levels. HRT can also help prevent other medical conditions including reducing your risk for osteoporosis, breast and other cancers, and heart disease.

With HRT, we can help you feel like your younger self again. Contact LongevityMed today for a consultation or take our hormone test to get started.