Health Benefits of Carrots
05 / 30 / 18

Health Benefits of Carrots

Carrots are good for more than just helping improve your eyesight. These tasty root vegetables can provide you with many health benefits while remaining a low calorie and healthy option.

Carrots are packed with antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals, protect your cells, and fight off diseases. Carrots are full of vitamins and nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, vitamin B-6, vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium. Carrots contain biotin which helps keep your hair, nails, and skin healthy. Carrots are also a great source of fiber, which helps regulate your digestive system.

Another benefit of eating carrots is it can help lower blood pressure, improve immunity, and improve oral health. Carrots are made up of over 85% water, which makes them great to eat to help with hydration. Carrots have also been known to clear up the skin and prevent aging. Carrots are amazing!

Incorporating carrots into your diet is easy. You can add them to a vegetable or fruit smoothie or drink straight carrot juice. You can add carrots to any salad for an extra crunch, or a soup. Carrots are also a great cooked side dish for dinner, either steamed or baked. Carrots can also just be eaten by themselves as a snack or dipped into hummus. Carrots have been known to change skin color in those who eat too much, so eat these orange vegetables in moderation.

Eating healthy can give you energy, help keep your immune system running properly, keep your body in shape and fit, and give you a better feeling of overall well-being. At LongevityMed, we want to help you live a healthy life. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We offer treatments for weight loss, and we can help you start a nutrition or supplementation plan. Take our weight loss test to get started or schedule a consultation today!