Try Melatonin
08 / 16 / 18

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? Try Melatonin

Getting a good night of sleep regularly is important for overall health and well-being, yet so many people struggle to keep a healthy sleep schedule. Sleep deprivation can be caused by many different reasons. Some people have trouble turning their minds off, others suffer from stress and anxiety which keeps them awake, and others are simply just aging which can cause changes in sleep patterns. Another factor that can cause a change in sleep patterns and prevent people from getting a good night of sleep is a hormonal imbalance, sometimes caused by menopause in women or low testosterone in men.

For some, hormone replacement therapy may be the answer - being able to correct a hormonal imbalance and tackle poor sleep patterns at the same time. For others, they might need a little extra help, paired with HRT, to enable their getting a good night of sleep. That’s where melatonin comes in. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland in your brain. “Turned on” by when the sun sets and rises, melatonin has the job of telling you when to go to sleep and when to wake up. For many people, melatonin levels are off due to unnatural light along with our body clock not syncing with natural daylight – which can create trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. This basically means that turning the lights on inside at night or staring at a screen at night can mess with our internal clocks - light decreases the production of melatonin in the body.

Sleep deprivation can cause serious issues, especially over time. Lack of sleep can cause memory loss, mood swings, trouble concentrating and lack of focus, high blood pressure, weight gain, and a weakened immune system. If you can't get your sleep schedule back on track naturally or with the help of HRT, melatonin is a must.

Melatonin is usually taken in the form of a pill, which is what we recommend to our patients at LongevityMed Centers. Along with correcting sleep cycles and helping people fall asleep, melatonin has also been used to treat Alzheimers disease, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, some forms of cancer, and more.

At LongevityMed, our goal is to help our patients stay young and healthy. If you feel that you are struggling to get a good night of sleep or keep a regular sleep pattern, or would just like to talk about the important health benefits related to our practices, schedule a consultation today! Supplementation is great treatment on its own or in addition to other services we offer like HRT and weight management.