Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women to Improve Sleep
06 / 03 / 19

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women to Improve Sleep

One of the main symptoms of a hormonal balance and menopause is a change in sleep patterns. This could mean that you're suffering from insomnia, having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night, and feeling less rested when you wake up after sleeping. Furthermore, as you age you start to feel more sluggish, fatigued, less motivated, and we have less energy and become tired easier - this can have a major impact on how well you sleep at night. Sleep deprivation can sometimes result in more serious issues down the road including mental illness.

There are things you can do to help get a good night of sleep. Try to create a sleep schedule and stick to it - your body will get set on a routine. Another good thing to do to improve sleep is to cut off-screen time early. Give yourself enough time before bed to let your eyes relax and avoid any screen, including your phone. You can also create a relaxing environment by reading before bed, drinking tea, or listening to soothing music. Including exercise into your daily routine, and eating a healthy diet can help improve sleep patterns as well. However, these solutions do not work for everyone. If you've tried everything and still can't get a good night's sleep, try hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy is a great option for women to get their sleep patterns back on track. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a therapy that incorporates individualized doses of hormones that emulate nearly identically those each patient had as a younger woman. HRT is often recommended to menopausal and post-menopausal women as a medical means to control drastic hormonal changes, as well as reduce risks for certain diseases. HRT can help manage menopausal symptoms including night sweats, hot flashes, severe mood swings, and sexual and reproductive discomfort. HRT can also help improve your sleep.

According to a study done by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Turku University Central Hospital, Finland, they found that "Estrogen replacement therapy improved sleep quality, facilitated falling asleep, and decreased nocturnal restlessness and awakenings," and "Estrogen replacement therapy significantly diminished sleep complaints among postmenopausal women."

Clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana, Suzanne Trupin says that "When we look at studies of estrogen on sleep in menopausal women, estrogen usually improves the quality of sleep, reduces time to fall asleep, and increases the amount of REM sleep. Sleep lab studies also indicate estrogen reduces the number of times a patient awakens and may improve cognitive function."

At LongevityMed we want to help you understand the benefits of hormone replacement therapy. It’s what we do every day and our specialty. We provide our patients with a proactive, preventative approach to healthcare for an aging population focused on the preservation of optimum human function and quality of life. If you’re interested in taking control of your health, take our hormone test or request a consultation today.