Vitamin C Deficiency
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Vitamin C Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

Vitamin C deficiency, also known as Scurvy, is no longer very common in the US, however, a small percentage of the population is still deficient. Typically, those affected by the deficiency live in low-income areas and have trouble feeding themselves a well-rounded, healthy diet rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C is important because it helps grow and repair skin tissue and also helps produce collagen. Collagen not only keeps your skin looking healthy and young but also keeps your tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage health as well. Vitamin C also a powerful antioxidant and can help your body fight off free radicals and assist in fighting off serious diseases like cancer.

Symptoms caused by a vitamin C deficiency include swollen and bloody gums, hair loss, dry hair and nails, rough and dry skin, rashes, nosebleeds, bruising easily, slow healing wounds, and unexplained weight gain. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause more serious symptoms like depression, fatigue, painful joints, and a weakened immune system. If left untreated, a vitamin C deficiency can result in Scurvy, stroke, gallbladder disease, cancer, and in some cases, death.

You can add more vitamin C into your diet by eating nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables like bell peppers, kiwis, oranges, strawberries, guava, broccoli, kale, grapefruit, pineapple, and brussel sprouts, just to name a few. You can also take a daily supplement to make sure you are receiving plenty of vitamin C.

If you feel that you are suffering Vitamin C deficiency, consult your doctor and request a blood test. At LongevityMed, we can help you start a diet and supplementation plan to get you feeling healthy and balanced again. Schedule a consultation today!