The Truth About Weight Loss
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The Truth About Weight Loss

Losing weight is hard and is something many people struggle with. If you're overweight, you're not alone - more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. If you've been trying to lose weight but keep hitting a wall, there are a few things you should know. It doesn't matter how often you workout or how hard you push yourself at the gym - if you're not eating right, you'll never get the body you want. Despite what many people believe, healthy and fit bodies are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

Generally speaking, your diet contributes to about 75% of weight loss, while the other 25% relies on exercise. It's important to eat a smart, healthy diet if you're looking to lose weight and get in shape. A diet that consists of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and whole-grain carbs is perfect for helping you achieve your weight loss goals. Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard - most healthy foods can taste great too. You should always try to stay away from added sugars and artificial sweeteners. It's also important to practice portion control, however, make sure you're not cutting out too many calories because it could result in a slowed metabolism and loss of important nutrients. Eating anywhere between 1,500 to 2,500 calories per day is recommended, varying depending on your personal situation and weight loss goals.

Not only does eating smart help you lose weight, but it also helps you feel good, too. If you're constantly eating fast, processed, greasy junk food you're more than likely experiencing some unwanted side effects from your diet. These side effects can include weight gain, fatigue, skin irritation and breakouts, changes in sleep patterns, and stomach issues. Eating a healthy well-rounded diet can give you energy, help clear up your skin, help you get a better night's sleep, and much more.

LongevityMed Centers specializes in treating obesity and related illnesses like Metabolic Syndrome. We can help you lose weight in a healthy way, as well as help lower your blood pressure and get on the right track to a healthier lifestyle with diet, exercise, and supplementation. If you think you may be overweight or suffering from obesity, or just want to get in shape, take our weight loss test to get started, or schedule a consultation today!