Sitting All Day at Work is Damaging to your Body
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Sitting All Day at Work is Seriously Damaging to your Body and Health

If you work in an office or at a desk job, or many other jobs, you know that you can sometimes be stuck sitting for hours on end during the day. And, more than likely you sit a lot when you return home after a long day at the office. While you may be getting plenty of work done, it's actually very unhealthy to sit all day long.

Sitting for a prolonged time can cause a number of dangerous health problems, including being at risk for early death. It can also cause heart problems. In fact, compared to people who stand or are on their feet during the day, workers who sit are twice as likely to develop heart disease. Sitting all day has also been linked to diabetes, cancer, depression, and dementia. It can also cause bad posture, back problems, weight gain, and muscle and joint pain.

According to an article by the Washington Post, office workers should start by standing at their desk for two hours a day, and slowly work their way up to standing for four hours at a time. If you don't have the option to use a standing desk, make sure you are standing up and moving around about every 30 minutes. Stand up, stretch, and go for a short walk if you can. You can make a difference at home too by standing while you watch tv or while you talk on the phone.

Even if you are active outside of work and get plenty of exercise throughout the week, you can still be affected by dangerous and damaging symptoms from sitting for too long - and the results are irreversible. At LongevityMed Centers, your health is our priority. We offer hormone replacement therapy, weight loss and nutrition services, supplementation, and more. Schedule a consultation today! A happier, healthier life is just one step away!