Intermittent Fasting Can Improve Health
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Studies Find That Intermittent Fasting Can Improve Health, Aid in Weight Loss, and More

When it comes to resetting your body, detoxing, losing weight, and improving your overall health, intermittent fasting may be the answer. Fasting is when you refrain from eating and drinking or reduce the number of calories you eat and drink, for short periods of time.

In a study published in The British Journal of Nutrition, scientists found that "intermittent energy restriction," another way to describe fasting, "may result in greater improvements in insulin sensitivity and weight control than daily energy restriction." They also discovered that fasting for short periods of time, known as mini fasting, can boost your immune system as well as help improve your memory.

In a different study done by The University of Southern California, they found that fasting not only protects the immune system but can also "trigger stem cell regeneration of a damaged immune system - shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal." According to Gerontology and Biological Sciences professor Valter Longo “When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged. What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back." Because of this, the results of fasting are compared to the effects of chemotherapy in the study. The study shows how fasting can vastly improve and repair a damaged immune system, resulting not only in the expected weight loss but overall health as well.

In another study by The University of Manchester, they suggest the 5:2 fasting method, especially for overweight women. The 5:2 method is when you eat regularly for 5 days in a row, and then for two days following you refrain from eating for 18 hours per day. It's also suggested that during the two days of "mini fasting" you should only eat a total of 500-600 calories. This method helps people lose weight by increasing insulin resistance. This method is also known to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and even increase energy levels.

While fasting has many proven benefits, you should always consult your doctor before starting a new diet plan. At LongevityMed we provide our patients with healthy and safe weight loss options. Your health is our priority. If you're ready to take control of your health, Contact us today to schedule a consultation., or take our weight loss test to get started.