Best Stretches
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Best Stretches to Keep Your Ankles, Knees, and Hips Strong

Stretching is important, especially as you age. Without regular stretching, your muscles will shorten and become tight, and it can cause you to lose muscle mass. Lack of stretching and flexibility can also result in injury, balance problems, as well as aches and pains in joints and muscles.

Here are 3 simple stretches to keep your ankles, knees, and hips strong:

For your ankles, try ankle circles. While sitting in a chair, lift one leg and start to slowly rotate one ankle in small circles, first the left, then to the right. Switch legs. Make sure to only be moving your foot and ankle, not the rest of your leg.

For your knees, try a quad stretch. Start by standing on both feet, shoulder-width apart. Then, while balancing on your left leg, bend your right knee back and bring your foot into your hand behind you. Hold that position for 10 seconds, and then switch legs. For a deeper stretch, lean forward during the stretch, or pull your foot higher behind you.

For your hips, try a frog stretch. Start with your hands, knees, and toes on the floor, with your back straight like a tabletop. Slowly widen your knees and rest your shins on the ground parallel to each other, while also outstretching your arms in front of you, resting on your forearms. Hold this pose, and repeat as needed.

It is always a good idea to add exercise and movement into your daily routine, along with a healthy diet. Make sure you check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program or adding any new stretches into your routine. At LongevityMed, our number one priority is your health. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We want to help you on your journey to better health and longer life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.