3 Moves to Keep Your Stomach Tight
07 / 11 / 17

3 Moves to Keep Your Stomach Tight and Toned This Summer

With summer here we are all wearing more revealing clothes and spending more time outside in our swimsuits. The perfect way to look and feel great this summer is to keep your core strong, tight and toned. Keeping your core strong is also a great way to start your journey to a healthier life. Here are three moves to help keep your abdominal muscles in shape this summer:

  1. Planks
    Planks are one of the best ways to keep your core strong and sturdy. You can do this on your forearms, or in a pushup position. Start by holding the pose at least 30 seconds, and work your way into longer holds as you become stronger.
  2. Mountain Climbers
    Start in a pushup position, move your legs in a running motion, bringing one leg forward at a time, so that your knees are under your chest while your hands are holding up your body with your arms. This move not only gives you a great full abdominal workout, it also works your legs, upper body, and cardio.
  3. Side Crunch
    Similar to a normal crunch, you lay on your back, hands behind your head, with your knees bent. Raise your upper body in a twisted side position - left elbow to right knee, down, right elbow to left knee. Alternate each side to make sure you are working all of your abdominal muscles with this simple but effective move.

At LongevityMed, we want to help you live a healthy life. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. If you're ready to lose weight and get fit, we can help you get on the right path to better health through nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Schedule a consultation today!