Health Benefits of Spinach
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Health Benefits of Spinach

Eating a healthy well-rounded diet is one of the best ways to keep your body fit, your immune system strong, and to live a long and healthy life. Spinach is not just for Popeye and this superfood is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Spinach is packed with vitamins and nutrients and has many positive health benefits on the human body.

Spinach contains over 30 different vitamins and nutrients. This leafy green is full of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, betaine, B complex vitamins, and many other vitamins. It also contains calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Spinach has been known to have amazing health benefits including improving eyesight, helping fight off cancerous cells, providing neurological benefits, strengthening muscles, boosting metabolism, helping maintain blood pressure, keeping skin clear, and fighting off osteoporosis and strokes.

Spinach can be used in many different ways. You can add it raw to a salad, cook it up and add it as a side dish to most meals and you can also add it into a smoothie or juice. Aim for one cup of raw spinach or ½ cup cooked spinach each day.

Eating healthy can give you energy, help keep your immune system running properly, keep your body in shape and fit, and give you a better feeling of overall well-being. At LongevityMed we want to help you live a healthy life. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We offer treatments for weight loss, and we can help you start a nutrition or supplementation plan. Take our weight loss test to schedule a consultation today!