Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy For Life?
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Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Life?

Hormones are actually the real Fountain of Youth.  They are the real reasons we feel fantastic at 20 and not so fantastic at 50.  Since we have a goal to feel good and stay healthy as long as we possibly can, to the end of life, hormones must be a part of the replenishment program we take on to accomplish these goals along with proper diet, exercise, lifestyle, and stress relief.  All these need to be done in a program specifically designed to each individual.

Unfortunately, the hormone story is blemished by a poorly designed and implemented study the NIH (National Institute of Health) and academic institutions performed in the 1990′s (the Women’s Health Initiative) that only “studied” or looked at the effects of non-human identical hormone pills on aging women with pre-existing medical conditions.  As a result of the failed study (which, by the way, was paid for by the drug company that made the drug but omitted to study bioidentical hormones for reasons unclear, and in fear of legal retaliation), the academic institutions that were involved, along with the NIH, decreed that ALL hormones act and behave the same in our bodies and that they are all bad.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

So in the wake of these studies, millions of women would be left to suffer and their doctors become useless in trying to help them.  Scientifically, and also our common sense tells us, that the stance of all hormones behaving the same is simply nonsense.  Hormones looking identical to what our bodies make behave much better when used to replenish main sex hormones.  Those hormones are now known as bioidentical hormones, namely estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone (which some people also refer to as natural hormones).

When used correctly, in separate preparation (not all mixed together), and under the supervision of an open-minded, caring, and knowledgeable physician, who is on your side and not on the opposing side, these hormones will keep you feeling fantastic, keep your bones strong and healthy, protect you from heart disease, keep your mind sharp, your weight in balance, and your sex drive healthy for an indefinite amount of time.

There are no studies on bioidentical hormones that have ever shown them to be dangerous to our bodies or require us to stop using them at any point in time.  When it comes right down to it, we are our own individual study or experiment, so the decision to continue using these hormones, and for how long, is essentially up to us.  You can stay on them for as long as you like or decide to stop for a while and see how you feel if you do have any concerns.

If you come across anyone taking bioidentical hormones they are likely to tell you they look and feel their best ever.  If you ask when they will likely stop taking bioidentical hormones, their answer would probably be “until they can find something better”.

Will that ever happen? Not likely.